Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

How to Take Care of Baby Mother And Father Should Know

How to Take Care of Baby Mother And Father Should Know

How to Take Care of Baby Mother And Father Should Know
How to Take Care of Baby Mother And Father Should Know

There are several ways to care for baby whose mother and father should know when the baby is born into the world of his beloved. How to care for this baby should already know even before the baby is born. So we do not have to panic, while doing our beloved baby care.

How to Take Care of Baby Mother And Father Should Know

  1.     Knowing how to care for their baby right from the start from head to toe, in what way cleaning and bathing the baby, use baby oil, baby lotion and baby powder.
  2.     Knowing what to be prepared and carried out in the early days of birth (how to care for newborns) as IMD (early breastfeeding initiation), rooming-in, use bedong and octopus.
  3.     Knowing the normal condition of the baby in the early weeks of birth as the baby's reflexes, breathing baby chromatic grok-groknya including also know in what way to treat your baby's cord to secure not be separated along with raises infection.
  4.     Knowing the ins and outs and the benefits of breastfeeding as well as the best nutrition a baby, realizes the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for growth and development, intelligence and health of the baby. Knowing when forced to have to give formula to babies.
  5.     Knowing that good management of breastfeeding, breastfeeding in any way that comfortable. Can overcome the problems of breastfeeding such as: baby will not breastfeed, confused nipple, nipple pain, breast swelling, infection of the nipple, nipple sunset, mastitis and so forth.
  6.     Can maintain continuity along breastfeeding infant nutrition dairy, know how flushed tips, tricks preparing breastmilk. Keeping breastfeeding to baby while the mother has been unbroken since started working.
  7.     After 6 months old, knows the trick to introduce solid foods to her (solids), introducing a new menu, finger food and anticipation to the doings of babies who learn to eat. Know drink anything that should and should not be given to infants.
  8.     Knowing that baby pooped normal frequency, knowing the baby pooped category, the difference pup breast milk and infant formula baby. Recognizing gastrointestinal problems and know the action that should be done.
  9.     Knowing the baby's sleep patterns, introducing plans noon and midnight the baby so as not to disturb his father and mother habits. Knowing what should be done and should not be done when the baby is sleeping.
  10.     Can detect and resolve common health problems for the baby such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, seizures fever, cough, runny nose, diaper rash problems as well as problems at the beginning of such period the birth of a baby yellow (jaundice).
  11.     Identify the cause of any fussy baby trick overcome. Know the difference between regular fussy along fuss that caused by colic.
  12.     Recognizing the crying baby and cause, know the trick to train the baby talk, recognize the delay said baby knows what activities can support the development of language and increase the vocabulary he explained. Teach bilingual against baby.
  13.     Knowing dental care tips baby, baby anticipation that started since teething, creating a baby able to cross teething period with more fun.
  14.     Knowing the normal weight babies and how the increase in body weight that normal babies.
  15.     Knowing why babies should be immunized and immunization schedules, immunization compulsory and which is recommended. Know when allowed to defer immunization.
  16.     Knowing trick that baby face picky eater, spraying food, do not want to eat and inclined picking food.
  17.     Knowing myths circulating in the community such as whether small breasts her milk production is less.
  18.     Being able to distinguish vomiting and spit up on baby, baby burping out the trick.
  19.     Knowing trick baby massage, baby pool and benefits. Know how to run a proper baby gym baby age.
  20.     Knowing plus-minus left the baby to the family (the elderly), day care (daycare) also know which kinds select a babysitter who is good for the baby.
  21.     Know what baby gear that must be possessed, the use of a pacifier, baby walkers, etc. Know in what way the new mommi spending appetite control. Know when the baby may be transferred traveling, what equipment that trafficked, weather or road trip with a baby.
  22.     Can set the house and its contents be safe for the baby, especially when he explore the science path.
  23.     Knowing the baby's development each stage, both the development of language, motor and social development. Know the influence of the music for the baby's development.
  24.     So Many practical recipes baby foods (solids) For the mother who is able to own at home.
  25.     And is still not little anymore other topics such as: post-operative treatment of Caesar, the role of fathers, relactation instructions, recognize signs of hungry baby and infant growth spurt, stimulation baby development, baby supplementation, etc.

Ignorance and error how to care for this baby done by no little mother.
Then out of the maternity home, no more doctors and nurses who accompanied the mother and father. To time in the hospital as well, because at a time when and the opportunities that are limited, the doctor was unable to express all aspects of the mother who should know and do.
Because ignorance in how to care for the baby, not a little mother & father run error so prejudicial and harmful to the baby. There are mothers who cleans her baby wearing cotton ear bud that should not be done because the baby will damage the ear drum.
Let the baby's body weight immediately go up, there are mothers who took the initiative to give solid food to the baby even though he was not yet 6 months. They do not know if this action is able to lead to a choking baby, trigger allergies and constipation.
And is still some other subject that the mother and father need to know. It takes effort for having a baby that grows optimally, healthy and smart. And this can not be obtained only with care as it is or in moderation. Semga mother and father already know the answers to the questions about how to care for babies over.